
We're proud to partner with industry leaders like Huntress Labs to offer a range of cybersecurity services that utilize advanced technologies to detect and mitigate cyber threats. Our services include continuous monitoring of endpoints and networks, as well as 24/7 human threatops to ensure that any issues are addressed promptly and effectively. Huntress Labs provides us with cutting-edge technology such as a sophisticated threat hunting platform, which is powered by advanced algorithms and machine learning.

Recent news has highlighted the importance of threat hunting, with many businesses suffering significant losses due to cyber attacks. That's why we take a proactive approach to cybersecurity, using a range of technologies and expertise to protect against the latest threats. Our team of experienced cybersecurity professionals can provide customized solutions to meet the unique needs of each business, ensuring that they have the protection they need to operate safely and securely in today's digital landscape.

With our comprehensive cybersecurity services and expertise, businesses can rest assured that their systems and data are secure and protected against the latest threats. We offer a range of services including endpoint protection, network security, email security, and more, all backed by advanced technologies and industry-leading expertise. Our partnership with Huntress Labs allows us to provide our clients with unparalleled protection against cyber threats, leveraging the latest threat hunting technology to detect and mitigate potential attacks.

In addition to our cybersecurity services, we also provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that our clients' systems and data are always protected. Our team of experienced IT professionals can assist businesses with everything from software updates and patches to data backups and disaster recovery planning. With our comprehensive approach to cybersecurity and IT management, businesses can focus on their core operations with confidence, knowing that their systems and data are in good hands.

At Media Managed, we're committed to providing our clients with the best possible service and support, leveraging the latest technologies and expertise in the field to deliver the highest level of protection against cyber threats. Our cybersecurity services are designed to be scalable and customizable, allowing us to meet the unique needs of each business we work with. Whether a business is just starting out or has complex security requirements, we can provide the solutions and support they need to operate safely and securely.

A Simple Guide to the Updated NIST 2.0 Cybersecurity Framework

July 25, 2024

Staying ahead of threats is a challenge for organizations of all sizes. Reported global security incidents grew between February and March of 2024. They increased by 69.8%. It’s important to use a structured approach to cybersecurity. This helps to protect your organization.The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created a Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). It…

Hot off the Digital Presses… Learn About Microsoft Copilot for Finance

July 20, 2024

Microsoft Copilot has been heading up the business AI charge. It’s used in Word, Excel, Edge, Windows, and more. This genAI-powered app is also showing up invarious function-related activities. The latest of which is finance processes. Microsoft Copilot for Finance is a game-changer. It injects the power of next-generation AI into the heart of your…

iPhone Running Slow? Speed It up with One of These Tips

July 15, 2024

Let’s face it, iPhones are amazing devices. But even the sleekest, most powerful iPhone can succumb to the dreaded slowdown. Apps take forever to load and scrolling feels sluggish. Pretty soon, simple tasks become frustrating ordeals. If your iPhone has gone from speedy sidekick to sluggish snail, don’t despair! We are sharing some easy tips…

Is Your Business Losing Money Because Employees Can’t Use Tech?

July 10, 2024

Shiny new tech can be exciting! It promises increased efficiency, happier employees, and a competitive edge. It’s also necessary to stay competitive in today’s technology-driven business world. But that promise can turn into a financial nightmare if you neglect two important things. These are employee training and change management. You can end up losing money…

10 Easy Steps to Building a Culture of Cyber Awareness

July 5, 2024

Cyberattacks are a constant threat in today’s digital world. Phishing emails, malware downloads, and data breaches. They can cripple businesses and devastate personal lives. Employee error is the reason many threats get introduced to a business network. A lack of cybersecurity awareness is generally the culprit. People don’t know any better, so they accidentally click…

What Were the Coolest Consumer Products Showcased at CES 2024?

June 30, 2024

The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was an exciting one this year. It left us with a mind-blowing glimpse into the future of technology. CES 2024 showcased a smorgasbord of cutting-edge gadgets. Including transparent TVs and robot pet buddies. These gadgets promise to revolutionize our homes and the way we interact with the world. With…

Smart Tips for Building a Smart Home on a Budget

June 25, 2024

Imagine a world where your lights turn on automatically as you walk in the door. Your coffee starts brewing before you even crawl out of bed. A simple voice command adjusts the temperature to your perfect setting. This is no longer just something out of a sci-fi movie. Today’s smart technology seamlessly integrates with your…

Guide to Improving Your Company’s Data Management

June 20, 2024

Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses. It fuels insights, drives decision-making, and ultimately shapes your company’s success. But in today’s information age, data can quickly become overwhelming. Scattered spreadsheets, siloed databases, and inconsistent formatting. All these create a data management nightmare. This hinders your ability to leverage this valuable asset. Let this guide serve…

Don’t Risk It! Why You Shouldn’t Skip Vulnerability Assessments

June 15, 2024

Cyber threats are a perpetual reality for business owners. Hackers are constantly innovating. They devise new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks. For businesses of all sizes, a proactive approach to cybersecurity is essential. One of the most crucial elements of this approach is regular vulnerability assessments. A vulnerability assessment is a…

7 Common Pitfalls When Adopting Zero Trust Security

June 10, 2024

Zero Trust security is rapidly transforming the cybersecurity landscape. It moves away from traditional perimeter-based security models. In this approach, every connection attempt is continuously verified before granting resource access. 56% of global organizations say adopting Zero Trust is a “Top” or “High” priority. This approach offers significant security advantages. But the transition process presents…

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