Hot off the Digital Presses… Learn About Microsoft Copilot for Finance

white laptop computer on white table

Microsoft Copilot has been heading up the business AI charge. It’s used in Word, Excel, Edge, Windows, and more. This genAI-powered app is also showing up in
various function-related activities. The latest of which is finance processes.

Microsoft Copilot for Finance is a game-changer. It injects the power of next-generation AI into the heart of your everyday workflow. Imagine having an AI companion that understands the intricacies of finance as well as collaborates seamlessly with you.

It can help a seasoned financial analyst or a curious learner.… Read the rest

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4 Ways Small Businesses Can Leverage Copilot for Microsoft 365

a man sitting at a table writing on a notebook

What are some of the key differentiators that can propel small businesses forward? They include efficiency, productivity, and innovation. Microsoft has expanded the availability of one of its most dynamic tools to SMBs. A tool that can be a real game-changer for growth.

Copilot for Microsoft 365 is a powerful new addition to the M365 suite. It was first offered to enterprise customers only. But Copilot is now open to businesses of all sizes. As long as they have Microsoft 365 Business Standard or Business Premium.… Read the rest

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Introducing the New Microsoft Planner (Everything You Need to Know)

Three people in a meeting at a table discussing schedule on their Microsoft laptop

Calendars, task lists, and project planning are important business tools. Many people use Microsoft’s apps to power these processes. Including Planner, Microsoft To Do, and Project for the web.

These tools help keep processes on track and enable task accountability. But they’re separate apps. Switching between apps can be cumbersome. It adds more complexity to a workflow.

On average, employees switch between 22 different apps 350 times per day.

Microsoft is putting a dent in app overload. The company is rolling out a brand-new version of Microsoft Planner in early 2024.… Read the rest

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What Is Microsoft Security Copilot? Should You Use It?

closeup photo of turned-on blue and white laptop computer

It can be challenging to keep up with the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape. Companies need to process large amounts of data. As well as respond to incidents quickly and effectively. Managing an organization’s security posture is complex.

That’s where Microsoft Security Copilot comes in. Microsoft Security Copilot is a generative AI-powered security solution. It provides tailored insights that empower your team to defend your network. It works with other Microsoft security products. It also integrates with natural language to generate tailored guidance and insights.… Read the rest

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